눈요깃꺼리의 세계경치 64

Bolivia 축제.엘살바돌 홍수,Motel 폭파등 지구촌 영상모음.

Bolivia 축제.엘살바돌 홍수,Motel 폭파등 지구촌 영상모음 Bolivia festival, El Salvador flood, motel implosion (16 images) Visitors ride a 'chairoplane' at a funfair in Hamburg, Germany on Sunday. (AP Photo/Axel Heimken) Priests hold up umbrellas as Pope Benedict XVI leads a mass in Paul VI square in Brescia, Italy on Sunday. Pope Benedict XVI made a one-day pilgrimage Sunday to..

[실업과 빈부격차, 범죄 없는 3無의 나라 리히텐슈타인].

LIECHTENSTEIN the 6th Smallest Country in the World / the 4th Smallest Country in Europe Capital - Vaduz, Size of Land - 160km, Pop - 35,000 + the first rank of the national income in the world ($50.000) + located between Austria and Swiss [실업과 빈부격차, 범죄 없는 3無의 나라 리히텐슈타인] 리히텐슈타인(Liechtenstein)은 서유럽에 있는 내륙국이다. 수도는..